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Efemia bladder support

More about Efemia

Further useful information

Here we have more info Efemia bladder support and how it may help you with Stress Urinary Incontinence.

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence or ‘SUI’ is defined as leakage of urine on exertion.

Stress Urinary Incontinence


Wondering about sizes?

Using the Efemia bladder support for the first time? The starter kit has all three sizes.

Everyone is different so we suggest you try all three sizes and allow yourself time to get used to the size, comfort and effectiveness of each size to find which suits you best.

If you’re replacing your Efemia device, you can also choose an individual size.


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that are often asked about Efemia bladder support

Using, fitting and cleaning my device

If you’re not sure, it’s best simply to test and see, starting with the smallest size. If it doesn’t work for you, go up a size. And, even if the smallest size does works for you, it might be an idea to try a larger size for comparison’s sake. Smaller doesn’t always mean more comfortable. We offer a start-set with all three sizes of Efemia to help you take the time you need to find out which works best for you and do so in the comfort of your own home.

The Efemia Bladder Support is inserted into the vagina. The rings or discs at the top of the device support the mid-urethra through the vaginal wall. It’s crucial to ensure that they have passed through the vaginal opening, a couple of centimetres inside the vagina and that the handle remains outside, resting tight up against your body, letting the labia cover it.

Although the Efemia Bladder Support is made from a very durable material, the device must also handle the acidic environment of the vagina, being cleaned, as well as the use of lubricants and vaginal creams. By replacing it every three months, you can be sure that the device works as it should. The replacement is to ensure that the device keeps its ability to reduce leakage and remains safe for you to use. 3 months is the time we have been able to prove that the device is OK for use regardless of how often or long you use it, if you use it with or without lubricants, vaginal medications and so on.

Soap for intimate use has a pH close to that in your vagina. If any soap residues are left on the device after cleaning, they will irritate the vagina less than ordinary soap or hand-wash would.

Silicone loves lint and dust! If you let the device air dry you will avoid fibre from paper or towels ending up on the device.

The vagina is an amazing, self-cleaning organ, so you should be fine. But, if you keep forgetting, then there is, of course, a risk it might cause some form of irritation. Silicone loves lint and dust! Therefore, you should rinse the device before each using Efemia

The device will get a slight yellow tint over time. However, if the change is sudden, or the colour very yellow, we recommend that you replace it with a new device.

We recommend water-based lubricants because that is the best option for the device. Silicon based lubricants will react with the silicon material of Efemia, so it’s effectiveness will not last as long. Examples of water-based lubricant include: Astroglide Liquid, Eros, K-Y Ultragel, Replens Silky Smooth. Durex make water-based lubricant. Check the labels for ‘water-based or water-soluble lubricant’. You can also insert Efemia with some clean water!

Yes, but remember it will not help halt your flow, only help with your incontinence.

We have not tested it on pregnant women, so we can’t recommend that you use it.

You can re-use the device as many times as you need up to 16 hours per day during the 3 month lifetime of the product.

If you suffer from vaginal dryness, the device may cause some irritation or chafe on your labia or inside the vagina. If you feel it chafing or if you know you have a sensitive vulva, you can try applying some water-based lubricant to see if that helps.

How do I get Efemia bladder support?

Efemia is currently only available on NHS prescription in England. You can ask your local GP, continence nurse or pelvic health physiotherapist. Your healthcare professional will discuss various options with you and they can prescribe it if they think it is the best option for you. You can also buy the Efemia Bladder Support directly from us here.

Efemia Bladder Support is currently only available on NHS prescription in England. We suggest you visit your local GP/health centre to have a consultation about stress urinary incontinence management with your doctor, physiotherapist or nurse. As a healthcare professional, they will be able to advise you what your best solution is. It may be that they prescribe Efemia Bladder Support or they may refer you to a specialist to discuss your needs and treatment pathway further. If you have a prescription, you would take it to your local pharmacy and it will be processed like other prescriptions.

Efemia Bladder Support is now available to ship to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This can be purchased via the webshop.

How does it work?

The Efemia Bladder Support is a vaginal insert designed to reduce urine leakage due to stress incontinence. It supports the mid-urethra through the vaginal wall, right where the urethra should bend under strenuous activity to prevent leaks. The device gives the urethra a little extra push just when pressure on the abdomen increases.

The rim of the menstrual cup pushing against the vagina can have the same effect. However, the idea is to place the menstrual cup as close to the uterus as possible to collect blood. The Efemia Bladder Support, on the other hand, has been designed to support the urethra in the right area every time it is used.

Will it help my incontinence?

It’s not easy to know. It can take some time before pelvic floor exercises produce results, so it’s essential to keep at it. However, it’s fair to expect that you’ll keep improving. The Efemia Bladder Support can be an option for you until you feel the desired effect from your pelvic floor exercises. You can also train other muscles without worrying about bladder leaks.

Efemia is not intended to be used for urge incontinence and is therefore not clinically tested for the condition.

No, it will help you to keep dry during use. Efemia temporarily alleviates the symptoms of Stress Urinary Incontinence (leaks). When you remove the device the effect of the device will be gone.

Different products

Contrelle supports the bladder neck, and therefore functions differently to the Efemia Bladder Support, which supports the urethra. Contrelle is a disposable product, whereas the Efemia Bladder Support can be used for three months. TVT is a surgical method where a sling is placed under the urethra to provide support. The Efemia Bladder Support and TVT support the urethra in the same place.

The rim of the menstrual cup pushing against the vagina can have the same effect. However, the idea is to place the menstrual cup as close to the uterus as possible to collect blood. The Efemia Bladder Support, on the other hand, has been designed to support the urethra in the right area every time it is used.


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